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How to B-cycle

How To B-cycle

It’s simple. You ride the bike when you need it, you check back into a station when you don’t.  

It’s fun.  We have stations and bikes at all the places you want to go – museums, cool neighborhoods, bars, restaurants, music and sport venues, bike trails and parks.  

You can buy an access pass that fits your needs – by the day, trip, month or year. Whatever works for you and your lifestyle.

Keep each ride under 30 minutes (or 60 minutes with the Annual Plus Pass) and you won’t be charged anything in addition to your access pass.  So if you want to stop for a coffee on your way to the Museum of Nature and Science – check the bike into a station, grab your coffee, and then check a bike out again when you have that cup of joe in-hand.

You can keep a bike checked out all day, but you will be charged $5.00 for every 30 minutes you keep the bike out after the first half hour of use.

From out of town?  It’s easy.  All you need is a credit card.  It is great way to explore Denver even if you only have a few hours to get out and about.

Have your own bike? B-cycle’s are great for riding to places you don’t want to leave your own bike, or for one-way trips when you know you are catching a ride home from someone else. Like to Coors Field. Riding a bike to a Rockies game on a Colorado summer evening is the best.  You check the B-cycle in and you never have to worry whether it will be there when you come out. It will.

B-cycles fit all sizes.  And are equipped with pedal powered lights, a bell, a basket and a lock.

So get out and B-cycle. Arrive at your work meeting with a smile, carrying a bike helmet.  A smile that means “I’ve just done something cool that you didn’t do this morning.”  People will ask you about it, smile, high five and talk about what you did when you leave. There are so many ways that B-cycle fits into your life the possibilities are endless.

And if you do it, others will too.


You must purchase an Access Pass to check out a bike. Once you’ve purchased an Access Pass at the kiosk or online, you can take unlimited trips that are 30 minutes or less for no additional cost (60 minutes for the Annual and Monthly passes). If any of your trips are longer than 30 minutes (60 minutes for Annual and Monthly passes) standard overtime fees will apply. You can take as many trips as you want under your allotted time until your access pass expires.


All B-cycles have three speeds, adjustable seats, a basket, lock, bell and pedal-powered lights. Station full or empty? You can find the next closest station at the kiosk or check out a bike with the B-Cycle App.

Here are the links for iOS and Android.


Please note the Monthly Pass has a 60-day or 2 month minimum purchase requirement.

2019 Price Chart 2.jpg

Interested in the Annual Subsidized Pass?


Contact Us

System Hours:

5 AM – Midnight, 7 days a week.


Member Services:

We answer the phones 24 hours a day.


Member Services Office Hours:

​Monday – Friday – 7 AM – 6 PM

Phone: (303) 825-3325


Visit: 2737 Larimer St. Suite A Denver, CO 80205

Please call during office hours for

billing, pricing and membership issues.

You can also email anytime and we will address

your issue the following business day.


Call Center Hours: all other times

​Marketing & Sponsorship:


Please put “Marketing” or “Sponsorship” in the subject line

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